
Monday, December 13, 2010

ONE semester down and OnLY three left until I'm done with my Master's Degree!!!
Although I have to say this semester was alot of WORK I've never written or done so much research in my entire life! I found that I really like the research part of it, and actually don't mind the writing part either. The tough part for me is getting started on the writing, once I get that first paragraph or so things just come together and the pages start to fill up. My longest paper was over 25 pages long! It was a group paper so that helped! But still the longest I have EVER written. And it sounded pretty dang good! So now that I have a little break... after I finish my Provo students' grades, go Christmas shopping, and doctor's appointments for the boys... I'm going to update the blog and upload all the CUTE family photo's we had taken last month.

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