
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Halloween Haircuts

Halloween was definitely one of my favorites this year! I have always wanted to have kids to take to grandma and grandpa's house to "show off" their costumes and how adorable they look all dressed up. And this year I was finally able to do just that! I put the boys' in their costumes as many times as they would let me! I even MaDE Steve dress up and found a costume I could wear so the whole family was participating in the festivities.
I L O V E D it!!
I can't wait until next year when the boys will be old enough to go 'trick or treating'!!

We took the boys' to our ward 'trunk or treat' and Corbin loved all the people! He is definitely the more social of the two.
It was so fun to see all the little kids all dressed up. I love to be able to dress up as something and just let your imagination run wild.

This was as much as I could get Steve to dress up... he is Steve Erwin, the crocodile hunter. And I'm Dracula's bride (or something like that!)

We had wanted to do some type of theme to our family's costumes, but couldn't agree on anything. My mom had bought the boys' costume last year when I was pregnant and got a really good deal on them, so luckily we didn't have to buy theirs. But that made it a little hard to decide on a theme to match their tiger costumes.... Not to mention I really wanted to be a witch for some reason! So the day before Halloween we went out to search for mine and Steve's costume. Apparently everyone else had that same idea because there were no costumes left! I found this one and thought I would just buy a witch hat somewhere else and that would work. Steve on the other hand didn't like any of the costumes they had left, except for the really expensive ones, and we weren't about to spend $100 on a costume! So we ventured off to Walmart in hopes of finding something there. Thats when Steve decided to just be Steve Erwin and I would just be Dracula's wife. (Walmart was all out of witches hats! :(

This is typical for these two right now. Whatever one has the other one wants! Even though they both had the tiger mittens attached to their sleeves Carter still wanted Corbin's mittens.

We got family pictures last week and Steve insisted that the boys get their haircut before the photo shoot! So my friend Kamie cut their hair for me. It was quite the little adventure trying to get them to be happy.... it was past their bedtime...and hold still long enough for her to cut what little hair they have.
Carter went first and other than a few attempts at crying he did pretty good. Cade, Kamie's husband kept him entertained and looking in one direction for the most part.
Corbin on the other hand was a bit more of a challenge. He has figured out how to escape from his bumbo, so he tried that and fussed almost the whole time. Until Kamie figured out that he likes to be squirted in the mouth with the water bottle. He loved it!! So every time he would start to get a little fussy, she would just give him a shot and he'd be ok for another minute or so. It was HILARIOUS!! Who would have thought that a little baby would like such a thing!?!

So, here is Kamie squirting Corbin with the water bottle... So cute!

I just love this picture... The way Corbin is just glaring at Kamie is adorable!

Carter showing off how good he looks after his haircut!
What a HANDSOME little man!

Carter wasn't too sure about this at first. Then he settled down and did pretty good.
Carter right before Kamie started to cut... look at how shaggy his hair is!

And finally... the reason for the haircut....

...the boys' photo shoot!! :)

This is the only picture we have so far, but I love it!! Our photographer did such an amazing job! She was so patient and easy going I loved her!! I felt so comfortable with her. We went up to Logan to get these taken and so between traveling, feeding and everything else, the photo shoot ended up being right in the middle of their nap time... so it was really hard to try and get them both to be happy and smile in the same photo. In fact it was almost impossible! Not to mention all of the fun leaves and rock and grass that they kept trying to play with, getting them to even look at the camera was a major task! But if the rest of the pictures are even half as good as this one I will way impressed!!

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