
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Happy 1st Birthday Carter and Corbin!!

Wow!! So much has happened this past year and my little guys have gotten so BIG I can't even believe it! I have loved every minute of every day they have been apart of my life. This year has definitely been the hardest, most difficult year I have ever experienced, but it has been worth every second of it and I wouldn't change a thing. It's true what people say about having kids, you don't realize how much you can love someone until you have a child, and that once you have children, you wear your heart out on your sleeve. I now know exactly how that feels. I love these two little boys more than anything and Steve and I are so blessed to have them in our lives'! Happy birthday Carter and Corbin... We look forward to sharing many more birthday memories to come!!

(These pictures are out of order, so start at the bottom and go up if you want to see how the party played out!)

I'm not much into parties, and I'm definitely not into planning any type of parties, and I'm sure not good at hosting any kind of an event... so what better way to get over my fear than to plan a big party for the boys' first birthday?! I spent hours searching online for the best twin party ideas, foods, decor and everything else I would need to know/do for the party. I decided on a "Thing 1 & Thing 2" party theme and made cute little invitations and a banner and tried to decorate (sparingly, I didn't want to spend a fortune on decorations just to throw them out when we were done) in the theme of Dr. Seuss. It was a lot of fun making everything and putting it all together. We even had the cute little red T-shirts made for the boys to wear that say "Thing 1 & Thing 2". For the cakes I wanted to have cupcakes where the frosting looks like the "things" hair, so I spent a lot of time on the Internet and taste testing different bakery shops to find the perfect cupcakes! (This was the worst part... tasting all the different kinds of cupcakes was a tough job... but hey, someone had to do it! :) We ended up using a lady that works from her home and she did an EXCELLENT job on the smash cakes and cupcakes! I couldn't have asked for better cakes! And as you can see below, the boys loved them as well!

Following are photos of just some of the close family and friends that attended the party to help us celebrate the boys' party!

The final result of the cake smashing event. I don't think they ate much, but it was sure fun to watch them get the frosting all over themselves!

Me and Corbin! I thought he would be the messier of the two, but I was wrong, he took a little convincing to actually dive in, but once he did he loved it!
If I would have thought about it, I would have asked to have the cake decorated more in blue frosting than in white because the pictures don't do it justice, the white frosting just kinda disappeared in the pics, but he sure was messy!

Here I am with our cute little Carter... He was so-SO tired that he kept rubbing his frosting covered hands in his eyes, poor little guy was ready to be done! But he loved the frosting and made a beautiful mess of the cake!

Corbin enjoying his first taste of sugar!!

I love this picture of Carter, he has the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes!

Carter loves the camera and was trying to get at it in this pic.

Corbin loved all the attention he was getting at his party!

Both boys not sure what to do... (Mom never lets me play with my food?)

Aunt Tori helping Corbin open his presents

Carter being cute and posing for the camera!

The wrapping paper and boxes were a BIG hit!

Carter enjoying the wrapping paper

My cute little "Thing 1 & Thing 2" inspired cupcakes. They were by far the best tasting cupcakes I have EVER tasted! And after throwing this party I've tasted more than my fair share of them!

And last but not least... the SMASH cakes! SO cute!

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