
Sunday, July 18, 2010

First Camping Trip

Steven and I took our boys on their first camping trip to Bear Lake. It was a lot of fun, but also A LOT of work... thank goodness we had my family and my dad's extended family their to help! A few days before we went camping, we moved the boys from sleeping in our room in the playpen to their own room in their crib. They had a really hard time the first couple of nights getting used to sleeping on their own, but after a few days they were sleeping some what through the night. So needless to say, I was really worried about sleeping in a tent with them where everyone can hear everything! For the most part they both did pretty good. Actually... Corbin did GREAT! The first night we were there he slept through the night (his first time!) But Carter didn't do as well. He woke up around 3 am each night and cried. He eventually fell back asleep, but spent the rest of the night either sleeping on my chest or Steve's. (So SPOILED) We spent all of Saturday on the beach, with both boys sleeping most of the time. Finally when they did wake up I hurried and threw on their swim suits and took them to play in the water. They weren't so sure about it, but neither of them cried, so all in all it was a positive experience for them!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fun in the SUN!

This is my cute nephew Tyson just hanging out with Corbin watching the World Cup. He was such a big help with the babies! Thanks Tyson!

I was so excited to take the boys swimming up in Park City at our Condo for their first time, but the weekend was so busy that by the time we finally made it to the swimming pool there was a breeze and too cool for them to really play in the water. So when the breeze stopped for a minute Steve hurried and took Carter swimming for his first time! We all thought it was so fun, that is everyone except Carter! (He screamed the entire time he was in the water!)

Steve and Carter... My two cute handsome boys!

This little kiddie pool has always been heated for the little kids to play in, but of course the one time we want to use this pool it is absolutely FREEZING! So you can see why Corbin didn't like me trying to get his feet wet!

Blessing Day

We blessed the boys on Sunday, June 6 and what a neat experience it was. I was so worried that one of them would start to cry during their blessing, but both boys were so good. Carter even dropped his binky and didn't start to cry! Now if that's not a miracle, I don't know what is!